February 15, 2021

Dear customer,

The tax season is just around the corner and if you have not already done so, you will soon receive all your required tax documents for the preparation of your 2020 tax returns and, as in the past, five (5) options are available to you to transmit them to us:

1) In person at our offices:

  • Montreal, located at 100-790 Blvd Marcel-Laurin, Montreal (Quebec) H4M 2M6;
  • St-Hubert, located at 102-4755, Montée St-Hubert, St-Hubert (Quebec) J3Y 1V4; or
  • by appointment for clients of the “Outaouais Region”.

2) By mail, at one of the addresses mentioned above.

3) By fax to:

  • 514-744-6441 for the Montreal office;
  • 450-676-4529 for the office of St-Hubert.

4) On our “Portal” by requesting a protected link :

5) By appointment by calling:

  • 514-744-1500, extension 211, for the Montreal office;
  • 450-676-1832, ext. 410, for the office of St-Hubert;

In order to continue to serve our clientele adequately and to offer the best possible service, we will apply, again this year, the same policies as in previous years:

1) Fees for the preparation of tax returns for which all required documents have not been received by April 15th inclusively will automatically be increased by 10%;

2) No declaration will be transmitted to the respective governments without all required documents being signed and our fees paid;

3) We will not assume any responsibility for any tax returns not transmitted after April 30, if we have not previously obtained your signatures and payment of our fees;

4) We accept payments by:

In the perspective of continuous improvement and optimization of our tax services to our customers, you will find, by clicking “Here”, a “Tax questionnaire fillable directly on the screen”; it takes less than ten (10) minutes to complete, but will be very useful in the preparation and optimization of your tax returns, since each client has a specific tax situation.
We invite you to complete it, save it for your records, and send it to us when you send us your tax documents by one of the five (5) options mentioned above.

Finally, we also invite you to “NOT unsubscribe” from this “Mailing List”, since it was created specifically and only for the “Tax Seasons” and therefore you will only receive an email once a year for this purpose.


Do not forget your tax obligation to declare the sale of a property, including your principal residence, in order to avoid the $ 8,000 penalty.

From the team at Porter Hétu International (Qc) Inc.
Tax Questionnaire Season 2020